Contemplative Spaces
Our bodies crave rest, and our souls seek nourishment, yet we often deny ourselves the opportunity to honour these needs. We create spaces intentionally crafted to foster reflection and a quiet awareness of the Spirit of God. In these serene environments, contemplative silence is encouraged to welcome a sabbath rest.
Practical elements like a flower, a candle, or a cross are used to inspire spiritual reflection, stillness, and new forms of connection with God. We offer gentle guidance toward recognizing the sacred in everyday life.
You are invited to experience the refreshing embrace of God’s hospitality through our tranquil spaces and experiential prayers. As Psalm 46:10 says, “Be still and know that I am God.”
Silent Retreats
A silent retreat is a structured period of solitude and silence designed to facilitate deep personal reflection, spiritual growth, and inner peace. Participants in a silent retreat engage in a variety of activities in a setting that minimises external distractions and verbal communication.