12 June 2016
comes in the moments
you stand up
for the life you truly want
by making choices
that align with that life
learning to be still,
to really be still and let life happen ~
that stillness
becomes a radiance
(Morgan Freeman)
purpose is found
in those quiet moments
when no-one but
sees the work
of your hands
(Darlene Schacht)
change the changeable,
accept the unchangeable,
and remove yourself
from the unacceptable
i am not afraid of my truth anymore and i will not omit pieces of me to make you feel comfortable
some walks you have to take alone
it’s not selfish to love yourself
take care of yourself,
and to make your
happiness a priority
it’s necessary
(Mandy Hale)
the one thing that you have
that nobody else has
is you…
your voice, your mind, your story, your vision
so write and draw and build
and play and dance and live
as only you can
(Neil Garman)
introverts are collectors of thoughts,
and solitude is where the collection is
curated and rearranged to make sense of
the present and the future
(Laurie Helgoe)
If a gift has come to you wrapped in obligation and tied tightly with a ribbon of guilt, then it’s not really a gift at all. It’s manipulation. A gift should be something freely given that enhances your life and reminds you lovingly of the giver. If it’s not, you simply should not give it place in your life, or your heart. (Peter Walsh)
(Random journal entries 2012 ~ 2016)